Bill Of Matertials
- The Bill of Materials (BOM) is a comprehensive list of all the components and parts needed to manufacture a particular product.
- The system calculates the cost for each input item using two methods: weighted average and loss rate.
- Users can manually set the rate for certain items if needed.
Create a new BOM
BOM can be created in three ways.
- Enter the data through User Interface.
- Import BOM through Excel.
- Duplicate the existing BOM with the duplicate method.
There are different input types given while creating a BOM.
The following input types are:
- Raw materials
- Packing materials
- Labor charges
- Overhead
- Sub Assembly
When the input type is selected as a Sub Assembly then you need to make sure that the BOM already exists in the Sub Assembly item. eg. To manufacture a car, we neen an engine as a sub assembly.
Import BOM through Excel
- To import data, you need to create header data first and then download the Excel template.
- Save the template as a .csv file and upload it to the system.
- Please ensure that all fields in the template are filled in.
Create Cost sheet using BOM
- You can enter different input quantities and rates against every input item in order to build a cost sheet.
- Cost sheets quantities and rates will not affect the BOM quantities and rates.
Reports for BOM.
- After the BOM creation, the user can download the report for the specific BOM or all items.
- There are two types of BOM reports, the normal BOM and the cost sheet.
- The user can add the cost sheet quantity and rate for the BOM, in the BOM items modify.
- If the user has given the cost sheet quantity and rate, then it will be shown in the BOM report.
- While printing the cost sheet report, if the cost sheet rates and quantity are not given still you can print the report but the values will be the same as of BOM.
Note: BOM report is for internal use and the Cost sheet is for external use.