Create, modify outstanding invoices, bills of parties during inception of System.
Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields |
Year - Pre Selected as current fiscal year |
Division - Pre Selected as NA (Options as per Division Master) |
Unit - Pre Selected as NA (Options as per GST Units) |
Type - Pre Selected as Invoice (Invoice, Receipt, Bill, JV etc.) |
Ref Doc - Pre Selected as Sales Invoice (Sales Invoice, Purchase Bill, ON Account/Advance Receipt etc.) |
Ref No Validation - Please enter a valid ref no. |
Ref Date - Pre Selected as current date |
Due Date - Pre Selected as current date |
Customer / Suppliers - Select from Party Master. |
Doc No Validation - Please enter a valid doc no. |
Doc date - Pre Selected as current date |
Debit / Credit - Pre-Selected as Debit (Debit,Credit) |
Amount Validation - Amount must be between 0.01 - 9999999999.99 |
Optional Fields
Optional Fields |
Notes |
Features |
Create New |
Modify |
Delete |
Export To Excel - To download the report of Opening Outstanding |