Financial Register


Generate BS, P & L, Trial Balance, General and Party ledgers.


- Pre Selected as current fiscal year.
Report Type
- Pre Selected as Ledger (Ledger, Final Accounts, Confirmation of Balances)
Validation - Report aborted as following JVs has discrepancy. If any JVs has discrepancy then this validation will show.
- Pre Selected as All
- Pre Selected NA (Options as per Division Master)
Account Type
- Pre Selected as General Ledger (General Ledger, Customer Control, Vendor Control)
Type of Grouping
- Only for Final Accounts Report Type
Select Groups
- Pre-Selected as All Groups (Options as per BS/PL master)
Select Account Particulars
- Pre Selected as All A/C Head (Options as per Account Master )
Select Party Group
Select Party
Show Report header
From Date
Validation - From date can not be before F.Y start.
To Date
- Invalid Date Range.
- End date can not be After F.Y end
- Report can only be downloaded for 1 Year. If Sys Parmeter is ON for Allow Calendar Year then you can select To date after F.Y. end date also but gap between Start Date & End Date is only 1 year is allow.
Exclude MIS JV
- Pre Selected as Yes (Yes, No)
Show In Dashboard
- Pre Selected as No (Yes, No)
- It will show Opening & Closing Bal. only of those Accounts Heads which is selected as Yes for Show in Trial Balance Dashboard in Charts of Accounts Master.
Validation - Dashboard can be printed only for Final Accounts » General Ledger.
Exclude System JV For Visual Match-off
- Pre Selected as Yes (Yes, No)
Form Validation
- Link Profit for the year A/c. in Transaction Type Master. If Trn type Code P0 i.e., Profit for the year is not available in Transaction Type Master then this validation will show.

Reports available under Financial Register are listed below

1. Ledger
- 1.1. Ledger New : This report will show the financial statements of business.
2. Final Accounts
- 2.1. Trial_Balance : It will display all the ledger balances categorized into debit and credit.
- 2.2. P & L Statement : This report will show company’s revenues and expenses for running the business.
- 2.3. Balance Sheet : It will show the statement / summary of a business’s assets.
3. Confirmation of Balances : This will display a letter to confirm the balance as per the books or records.