Helps to maintain record and monitor various types of investments of business.
Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields |
Investment Details |
Select Bank - Pre Selected (Options as per Bank Master) |
Select Name - Pre Selected as NA (Options as per Investment Name Master) |
Select Code - Pre Selected as NA (Options as per Investment Code Master) |
Start Date - Pre Selected as current date. |
End Date - Pre Selected as current date. |
Principal Amount Validation - Principal amount must be between 0.01 - 9999999999.99 |
Rate of Interest Validation - Rate of tax must be between 0.01 - 999.99 |
Maturity Amount Validation - Maturity amount must be between 0.01 - 9999999999.99 |
Status - Pre Selected as Live (Live, Matured) |
Optional Fields
Optional Fields |
Notes |
Features |
Create New |
Modify |
Delete |
Renew - To update the investment. |
Code - To create investment code master records. Code - Auto generated by System Description Feature : Modify |
Name - To create investment name. Code - Auto generated by System Name Feature : Modify |
Export To Excel - To download report. |
Investment Interest - Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields |
Investment No - Auto generated by System |
Date - Pre Selected as current date. |
Amount Validation - Amount must be between 0.01 - 9999999999.99 |
Debit / Credit - Pre Selected as Debit (Debit, Credit) |
Investment Interest - Optional Fields
Optional Fields |
Notes |
Investment Interest - Features
Features |
Create New |
Modify |
Delete |