Manage Hundi


Users can create, update, delete and print hundi transaction.

Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Fields
- Pre-Selected current fiscal year
Hundi No
- Auto generated by System.
Hundi Date
- Pre Selected as current date
Validation - Date must be between the Financial year’s Start Date and the End Date.
Hundi Raised On
- Pre Selected as Customer (Customer, Supplier)
Party / Branch
- Pre Selected (Options as per Party Master).
Bank / Cash Name
- Pre Selected (Options as per Bank Master).
Mean Date
- Pre Selected as current date.
Due Date
- Auto generated by System.
Is Hundi Accepted?
- Yes / No


Create New
- If JV has been created or hundi has been accepted, this option will be disabled.
- If System lock is applied to the document, this option will be disabled.
- If System lock is applied to the document, this option will be disabled.
Create JV
- To create Journal Voucher.
- Records Needs to be available in line level for Creating JV
- System is unabled to make JV(Mainac & Subac needs to be available in hundijv table)

Bill/Invoice Details - Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Fields
- To add JV line
Create New
Validation - If JV has been created or hundi has been accepted, this option will be disabled.