Maintains data related to different types of loans.
Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields |
Loan No. - Auto generated by System |
Date Pre selected as current date Validation - Date must be between Current Pay month to Next Pay Month |
Type - Pre selected as Education (Education, Home, Medical, Vehicle etc.) |
Employeecode - Pre seelcted (Options as per Employee Master) Validation - It seems this employee has already got a loan which is live. |
TRN Type - Pre selected as Paid (Paid, Returned, Written Off) |
Loan Amount Validation - Amount must be greater than zero - Loan amount can not be less than (Rs.8500.00) Amount |
Loan Installment Validation - The loan installment cannot be greater than loan amount |
Optional Fields
Optional Fields |
Notes |
Features |
Create New |
Modify - If status is Cleared, Write Off and System, this option will be disabled |
Delete - If status is Cleared, Write Off, System and Live, this option will be disabled |
Write Off Balance Outstanding - Amount can not be greater than Balance Outstanding |