Inventory Ledger


This feature helps to generate details / summary of inventory transaction over given period.


Item State
- Good, Rejected
- Select from GST units
Item Group
- Select from Item Group Master
Item Name
- Select from Item Group Master
- All, RM, FG
Store Location
- Select from Store Master
Summarized By
- Item Id,Brand, Item Id,Stage etc.
Date Range
Validations - The date is outside FY.
- Date range is invalid.

Reports available under Inventory Ledger are listed below

1. Inventory Ledger
- 1.1. Inventory Ledger : This report shows records that tracks inventory transactions.
- 1.2. Below ROL : It will display the items below Re-order level as on the report generation date.
- 1.3. Summary By Item Brand : It will show the summary of ledger by item and brand wise.