C Form


This report facilitates to organize pending, received C Forms on sales and purchases.


Report Type
- Invoice, Bill
From Date
- Auto generated by System
To Date
- Gap between date range may not exceed two year
- If To Date is selected prior to From Date then this Validation will show “Invalid Date Range”.
- If To Date is selected later to Current Date then this Validation will show “Future dates are not allowed”.

Reports available under C Forms are listed below

1. Invoice
- 1.1. Received : This report shows the details of received invoices with C Form amount, C Form no etc.
- 1.2. Pending : This report shows the details of pending invoices with basic amount, excise amount, sales tax etc.
2. Bill
- 2.1. Issued : This report displays details about issued bills.
- 2.2. Pending : This report shows details of pending bill.