GST Reports


Generates GST Reports in specified format.


Select Report
- GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GST-ITC-4 etc.
Select Unit
- Select GST Units
Select From Month
Select To Month
- If To Month is selected prior to From Month then this Validation will show “Invalid Date Range”.
- If To Date is selected later to Current Date then this Validation will show “Future Months are not allowed”.
Select Date Type
- Document Date, Reference Date
- Pre-Selected Document Date.

Reports available under GST Reports are listed below

1. GSTR-1
- 1.1. B2B : Business to Business report shows details of no. of recipients, no of invoices, total invoice value, total taxable value for various parties.
- 1.2. B2C Large : Business to Customer large report shows details of no. of recipients, total invoice value and total taxable value.
- 1.3. B2C Small : Business to Customer small report displays details of total taxable value only.
- 1.4. CDNR : Credit / Debit Notes for registered suppliers report shows the details of no. of recipients, no of invoices, no. of notes / vouchers, total note / refund voucher value and total taxable value.
- 1.5. CDNUR : Credit /Debit Notes for unregistered suppliers report shows the details of no of invoices, no. of notes / vouchers, total note / refund voucher value and total taxable value.
- 1.6. EXP : This report displays the summary for export by showing no of invoices, total invoice value and total taxable value.
- 1.7. AT : This report shows the summary for Advance Received by total advance received and gross advance received.
- 1.8. ATADJ : This report shows the summary for advance adjusted by total advance adjusted and gross advance adjusted.
- 1.9. EXEMP : This report shows the summary for nil rated, exempted and non GST outward supplies.
- 2.0. HSN : This report displays the summary for HSN by showing total value, total integrated tax, total state / UT tax, total Cess etc.
- 2.1. DOCS : This report generates the summary of documents issued during the tax period for total number and total cancelled documeents.
- 2.2. HSN - DNCN : This report generate DNCN summary with HSN and different GST rate.
2. GSTR-2
- 2.1. B2B : Business to Business report shows details of monthly tax return for the purchases of registered suppliers.
- 2.2. B2BUR : Business to Business report shows details of monthly tax return for the purchases of unregistered suppliers.
- 2.3. IMPS : Immediate Payment Service report shows details like invoice number of reg recipient, integrated tax, eligibility for ITC, availed cess etc.
- 2.4. IMPG : Import of Goods report shows the details like BE value, rate, taxable value, availed integrated tax etc.
- 2.5. CDNR : Credit / Debit Notes for registered suppliers report shows the details like GSTIN of supplier, reason for issuing document, note value, availed integrated tax etc for registered suppliers.
- 2.6. CDNUR : Credit / Debit Notes for unregistered suppliers report shows the details like GSTIN of supplier, reason for issuing document, note value, availed integrated tax etc for unregistered suppliers.
- 2.7. AT : This report shows summary for tax liability on advance paid under reverse charge(10 A).
- 2.8. ATADJ : This report shows summary for adjustment of advance paid earlier for reverse charge supplies.
- 2.9. EXEMP : This report shows summary for composition, nil rated, exempted and Non GST inward supplies.
- 3.0. ITCR : Input Tax credit Reversal / Reclaim report shows description for reversal of ITC, to be added or reduced from output liability, ITC integrated tax amount etc.
- 3.1. HSNSUM : This report displays the summary for HSN with description, total qty, total taxable value, integrated tax etc.
3. GSTR-3B
- This report generates a consolidated summary return of inward and outward supplies.
4. GST-ITC-4
- 4.1. MFG-to-JW : Manufacturer to Jobworker report shows details like GSTIN of job worker, challan number, description of goods, job work name etc.
- 4.2. JW-to-MFG : Job Worker to Manufacturer report generates details like nature of transaction, original challan number, challan date issued by job worker etc.