This feature helps to analyze the sales performance by Product, Invoice, Salesman etc.
Options |
Select Report Type - Sales by invoice, By product, Sales rejection etc. |
Payment Term Applicable only for Receipt Against Invoice report type . |
Select Party Group - Select from Party Group master. |
Select Party Name - Select from Party master. |
Select Item Group - Select from Item Group master. |
Select Item Short Name - Select from Inventory master. |
Select Unit - Select GST Units |
From Date |
To Date Validations - Gap between date range may not exceed two year - If To Date is selected prior to From Date then this Validation will show “Invalid Date Range”. - If To Date is selected later to Current Date then this Validation will show “Future dates are not allowed”. |
Reports available under Sales Analysis are listed below
Reports |
1. Sales By Invoice - 1.1. Sales By Invoice : Detail report with billing amounts, unit, branch etc. - 1.2. DNCN : This report shows debit and credit notes with other invoice details. - 1.3.Export Invoice : It can display currency, exchange rate, qty, rate, rate in FC, Value in FC for various items. |
2. Sales By Product - 2.1. Sales By Product : This report displays sales information by each product sold & generate total amount and grand total. - 2.2. Sales By Product Summary : It can show the summary of sales by product with the grand total of qty and rate. - 2.3. Sales By Party : Generate basic and invoice amount for various direct selling parties. - 2.4. Sales By Product Party : This report displays sales information by each product sold directly by various parties with classification, segment, qty, rate details etc. |
3. Receipt Against Invoice - Generate receipt for the invoice report with the details of party name, transporter, A/C name, voucher amount etc. |
4. Month-Wise Summary - 4.1. MonthWise Summary : Shows the basic/opening balance for the year and month with different taxes and finally total balance. - 4.2. MonthWise summary Type : Shows the basic/opening balance for the year / month, different taxes and total balance with document type. |
5. Dispatch Summary - 5.1. Dispatch Report : This report will show the detailed information about dispatch items for various parties. |
6. Freight Vendor Details - This report will show the party, vehicle details, invoice amount, qty etc. of freight vendors. |
7. Sales Rejection - 7.1. Sales Rejection Report : This report display information about rejected sales with partyname, branch and status etc. - 7.2. Sales Rejection Details : This report will give detailed information about rejected items. |
8. Outstanding In Alternative Currency - Generate outstanding amount and grand total for different currencies. |