Indent Analysis


This feature helps to analyze pending indents, vendor performance and indent register.


Select Report Type
- Pending Indents, Vendor Performance, Indent Register.
Select Party Group
- Select from Party Group
Select Party Name
- Select from Party Master
Select Item Group
- Select from Item Group Master
Select Item Name
- Select from Inventory Master
Select Unit
- Select GST units
From Date
To Date
- Gap between date range should not exceed two years.
- Invalid date range. If From Date is earlier than To Date
- Future dates are not allowed

Reports available under Indent Analysis are listed below

1. Pending Indents
- 1.1 Pending Indent : This report shows pending indents by unit, user qty, pending qty, status etc.
1.2 Color Codes.
2. Vendor Performance
- This report displays vendors performance measure by showing details like received/accepted qty, qty rating, delivery rating on qty etc.
3. Indent Register
- 3.1. Indent Register : This report shows unit wise indent details for indian currency by party, qty, rate, status, payment terms etc.
- 3.2. Foreign Currency Indents : This report shows unit wise indent details for foreign currency by branchname, qty, currency, currency/load factor etc.