This feature helps to maintain LC details for purchase / sale transactions and create LC and link the bill to the LC for that party.
Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields |
Year - Pre-Selected as current fiscal years |
LC No - Auto generated by System. |
LC Details |
Date - Pre selected as current date Validation - Date must be between FY Start AND FY End |
Select Party Name - Select from Party Master |
Currency - Pre selected as INR (Options as per Currency Master) |
Conversion Rate Validation - Conversion rate must be between 0.0001 and 999.9999 |
Amount Validation - Amount must be between 1 - 99999999.99 - LC amount (plus tolerance) must be more than total amount of bills |
Tolerance % Validation - The value ‘3.2’ (decimal values) is not valid for tolerance. |
Valid Upto - Pre selected as current date Validation - Valid upto date Must be between One Year From the Date of LC |
Optional Fields
Optional Fields |
Last Shipment Date |
Notes |
Status - Live, Expired |
Features |
Create New |
Modify - If document status is expired, this option will be disabled. |
Delete Alert - If document status is expired, this option will be disabled. - Only one line is there in this document. You have to delete the whole document itself. |
LC Details - To show the list of LC details |
LC BE Create - Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields |
Bill Amount Validation - Bill amount is in excess of LC limit If the BE amount excessed the balance of LC limit |
Select BE No Validation - BE no. is already connected to another LC |
LC BE Create - Optional Fields
Optional Fields |
LC No |
Bill No |
Due Date |
Qty |
LC BE Create - Features
Features |
Create New |
Modify - If document status is expired, this option will be disabled. |
Delete - If document status is expired, this option will be disabled. |
Bill of Exchange - To create Bill of Exchange details (BE). |
BE Create - Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields |
Year - Pre selected as current fiscal year (Select from Year combo box). |
BE No - Auto generated by System |
BE Details |
Date - Pre selected as current date Validation - Date must be between FY Start AND FY End |
Due Date - Pre selected as current date Validation - BE due date cannot exceed 100 days from the date of creation - Due date cannot be less than date of creation |
Select Party - Select from Party Master |
BE Create - Features
Features |
Create New |
Modify |
Delete |