Purchase Bill


This feature helps to record purchase bills for goods and services.

Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Fields
- Pre-Selected current fiscal year
System Bill Date
- Pre selected as current date
- Date must be between FY Start and FY End
Bill Sub-Typ
- Pre selected as Direct Purchase(Direct Purchase, Imported Purchase, Purchase - Reverse Charge.)
Purchasing Unit
- Select GST Unit Name.
Supply From
- Select states from State Name
- Supply from (State) is mismatched with GSTIN of Party
- Supply from has to be ‘Outside India’ for GST type = Imported Purchase.
- Select from Party Name.
Input Tax Credit
- Pre selected as Is Eligible (Is Eligible, NA, Not Eligible.)
Is E-Invoice Submitted?
- Pre selected as No( Yes / No )
- Submission of E-Invoice is mandatory.
Is RCM Applicable?
- Pre selected as No( Yes / No )
Type of Input
- Pre-Selected as Not Applicable (Not Applicable, Import - Raw Material, Import - Capital Goods, Import - Services , Domestic - Raw Material, Domestic - Capital Goods, Domestic - Services)
- For Imported purchase, type of import must be specified.
Discount %
Ad-hoc / Discount Amount
Supplier Bill No
Supplier Bill Date
- Supplier bill date cannot be later than bill date.
Supplier Bill Value
- Supplier bill value must be greater than zero
Transaction Type
- Select Transaction Type
- Please set default transaction type in Party Master (If Transaction Type is Auto Fetch From Party Master.)
Freight Type
- Pre selected as By Ocean - FCA(Options as per Freight master)
Freight,Octroi,Carriage & Packing
- Pre selected as INR (Options as per Currency Master) .
FCNR Amount
- FCNR amount may not be zero (If selected currency is Non-INR)
- FCNR amount must be zero
Only for Bill payment status
Ok To Pay
- Yes / No
Only for Revoke Authorization
- Yes / No
Only for Modify Other Info
GST Reco Status
- Not Set

Optional Fields

Optional Fields
Original Bill No (if Supplementary)
E-Way Bill No
Account Particulars
- Select Account Particulars
- A/c head needs to be selected for User Defined transaction type (If Transaction Type is User Defined)
- Please fix invalid A/c head in Transaction Type Master
TDS A/c Code (If Applicable)
- Select from the list of party master.
Due Date
Only For Duplicate Supplier Bill No
Go ahead?
- Yes/No
L R No
L R Date
Port Code / BE No
- For imported purchase, port no / BE no must be specified.
BE Date
Job Work Details
- Jobwork Challan No.
- As this item was sent directly to the jobworker, challan No. & date must be specified in the purchase bill. In Job work module when material is directly send to the Job Worker , you have to key in the ship to party as per the indent and then this Annexure No and Annexure Date has to be mentioned in the Purchase Bill.
- Jobwork Challan Date
Notes for Authorization
Only for Modify Other Info
- Availed in 3B on
- Shown in 2B on


Create New
- If lock is applied to the document, this option will be disabled.
- If payment is already made, this option will be disable.
- If lock is applied to the document, this option will be disabled.
- If LC is made against document, this option will be disable
- If debit / credit note is already made, this option will be disabled
- If payment is already made, this option will be disabled.
- If you delete this record, cost allocation details, if any, would be removed.
- Journal entry has already been made in the System, this option will be disabled.
- Debitcredit Note has already been made in the System. You may NOT delete this record…
- Payment has already been made against this indent. You may not modify or delete it.
- Hundi has already been made in the System. You may NOT delete this record…
- LC has already been made in the System. You may NOT delete this record…
- There is difference between System Bill Amount & Supplier Bill Amount .
- To create debit/credit notes
Modify Other Info
- To update additional details like GST reco status, availed in 3B on (date), shown in 2B on (date)
Revoke Authorization
- To revoke authorization for the bill.
Related Voucher
- To view, create and modify voucher account details
GRN/Indent Info
- To show list of purchase bill GRN Info
Cost Allocation
- Helps to allocate and De-allocate to the cost center
Bill payment status
- To show purchase bill details to change payment status
Related Import No
- To display related import document details

Bill Item - Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Fields
Quantity Billed Now
- Quantity billed must be greater than zero
- Billed Qty can not exceed Grn pending qty.
Only for Add Line without GRN Refernce
- Select from Inventory Master.
GST Code
- Select from GST Rates Master
- Value must be between 1 and 999999999.99
Taxable Value

Bill Item - Optional Fields

Optional Fields
Only for Add Line without GRN Reference
- Non Standard Item Name
Customer / Supplier
- Select from Party Master
Reference Import Bill No
- Given import bill No for this party is not available
HSN / SAC Code
- Length of HSN code in inventory master must be between 2 to 8 characters.
- HSN code is not present in Inventory Master, Please key in HSN code

Bill Item - Features

Create New
- If LC is made against document, this option will be disable
- If lock is applied to the document, this option will be disabled.
- If lock is applied to the document, this option will be disabled.
Next Line
Add Line without GRN Refernce
- To create a record without GRN.

How to create a Purchase Bill ?