QA Protocol


This feature helps to assist in completing QA process of incoming material.

Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Fields
Quantity Accepted
- Accepted qty + rejected qty must be equal to received qty
Is This Rejected?
- Yes / No / Passed With Deviation
Rejected Qty (if any)
- Rejected quantity should be in the range of 0.000 to 9999999.999
Is QA Done?
- Yes / No / NA

Optional Fields

Optional Fields
Stores In-charge’s Note (if any)
Is Test Certificate Received?
- Yes / No / NA
QA Date
QA Type
- Pre-Selected Not Applicable
QA Done by
QA Inspector’s Remarks


Auto create PDN
- To create debit note.
- To auto create PDN, the transaction type code 10 - Purchase Return must be present in the transaction type master if in the transaction type master Purchase Return is not present .
- For trntype code purchase return account details is not available. If for the account details does not exists for the trn code.
Steps for Auto create PDN
- Find a GRN with rejected quantity available
- Ensure that the purchase bill is created with reference to that GRN
- The auto create PDN link will appear
- The transaction type link will be available on charts of account Index page
- Ensure that the transaction type code 10 - Purchase Return is present in the Transaction type master and it is linked to A/c code
- After clicking on Auto create PDN system will automatically create a PDN . You can view it in the Supply chain -> Debit/Credit notes
Defect Types
- Shows list of defect types.

Defect Types - Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Fields
Defect Type Code
- Auto generated by System
- Defect description

Defect Types - Features

Create New