Walkthrough - Debit/Credit Notes

Steps to create a SCN (Sales Credit Note) or SDN (Sales Debit Note)

  1. Click on Menu –> Sales Module –> Sales Invoices –> Click on the Sales Invoice record for which you want to create SDN/SCN.
    System will redirect you to the Sales invoice details page.
    Click [Make SDN/SCN].

  2. System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes creation page.
    Choose document type as [Sales Debit Note] or [Sales Credit Note] as per required.

    Ensure that the [Transporter Name] matches with the [Mode].
    Fill in other details as necessary and click [Save].

  3. System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes line index page.
    Here only invoices with Supply type as Goods will be shown.
    Click [Select]

  4. System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes line creation page.
    Fill in details as necessary and click [Save].

Steps to create a PCN (Purchase Credit Note) or PDN (Purchase Debit Note)

  1. Click on Menu –> Supply Chain Module –> Purchase Bills –> Click on the Purchase Bill record for which you want to create PDN/PCN.
    System will redirect you to the Purchase Bill details page.
    Click [Make SDN/SCN].

  2. System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes creation page.
    Choose document type as [Purchase Debit Note] or [Purchase Credit Note] as per required.

    If you want to update the stock then select ‘Yes’ otherwise ‘No’

    Ensure that the [Transporter Name] matches with the [Mode].
    Fill in other details as necessary and click [Save].

  3. System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes line index page.
    Here only bills with Bill type as GST will be shown.
    Click [Select]

  4. System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes line creation page.
    Fill in details as necessary and click [Save].

  5. In order to print or email the debit/credit notes click [Print] or [Email].

  1. If you want to modify the taxable value then click [Modify Taxable Value] link in the debit credit notes line details page.

    It will redirect you to Modify taxable value page.