Steps to create a SCN (Sales Credit Note) or SDN (Sales Debit Note)
Click on Menu –> Sales Module –> Sales Invoices –> Click on the Sales Invoice record for which you want to create SDN/SCN.
System will redirect you to the Sales invoice details page.
Click [Make SDN/SCN].
System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes creation page.
Choose document type as [Sales Debit Note] or [Sales Credit Note] as per required.
Ensure that the [Transporter Name] matches with the [Mode].
Fill in other details as necessary and click [Save].
You can check Transporter Name and Mode in Transporter Master
System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes line index page.
Here only invoices with Supply type as Goods will be shown.
Click [Select]
System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes line creation page.
Fill in details as necessary and click [Save].
Steps to create a PCN (Purchase Credit Note) or PDN (Purchase Debit Note)
Click on Menu –> Supply Chain Module –> Purchase Bills –> Click on the Purchase Bill record for which you want to create PDN/PCN.
System will redirect you to the Purchase Bill details page.
Click [Make SDN/SCN].
System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes creation page.
Choose document type as [Purchase Debit Note] or [Purchase Credit Note] as per required.
If you want to update the stock then select ‘Yes’ otherwise ‘No’
Ensure that the [Transporter Name] matches with the [Mode].
Fill in other details as necessary and click [Save].
You can check Transporter Name and Mode in Transporter Master
System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes line index page.
Here only bills with Bill type as GST will be shown.
Click [Select]
System will redirect you to Debit Credit Notes line creation page.
Fill in details as necessary and click [Save].
In order to print or email the debit/credit notes click [Print] or [Email].
- If you want to modify the taxable value then click [Modify Taxable Value] link in the debit credit notes line details page.
It will redirect you to Modify taxable value page.