Steps to create a Goods Received Notes (GRN)
Click on Menu –> Supply Chain Module –> GRN –> New
Ensure that the unit/vendor/branch of GRN is same as that of the indent.
Key in other details as necessary and click [Save].
System will redirect you to the GRN item index page
Search the indent by using the Indent Number or Item Id. Click [Select]
System will display only those indents which are authorized.
System will redirect you to the GRN item creation page
Ensure that you fill in the Stores In-charge’s Note if the accepted quantity is less than the received quantity.
It is mandatory to fill [Store Location] for the first line.
For the second line either you can fill the [Store Location] or else it will take the [Store Location] from the first line.
In order to print the GRN click [Print]