Walkthrough - Import Document

Steps to create a Import Document

  1. Click on Menu –> Supply Chain Module –> Import Documents –> New


  2. System will redirect you to the import document creation page. Fill in details as necessary and click [Save].

  3. System will redirect you to import document details page.To create line level details it provides two options [New Line] or [Import Line].

    Import Line can be used to create multiple lines at a time. For this click [Import Line]. Choose the csv files with all records filled in and click upolad.

    If you click [New Line], system will redirect you to Search indent page. Search for the year indent no for the same party (Only the indent for which GRN is created will be visible here). Click [Select]

    System will redirect you to import document create page. Fill in all the necessary details and click [Save]. Line level will be created for import document successfully.

  4. Update / Print

    In order to update the date of submission and bank refernce number click [Update] link.

    To get the bill of entry document click [Print] and then download the bill of entry documents within specfic date range.

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