Walkthrough - Purchase Indent

Steps to create a Purchase Indent

  1. Click on Menu –> Supply Chain Module –> Purchase Indent –> New


  2. Send To - if you want to send material to job worker.
    Fill in other details as necessary and click [Save].


  3. System will redirect you to the item creation page


  4. In case [Get ReqdBy From Lead Time Master] parameter is On in Menu –> System Tools –> [System parameters], then ensure that vendor/branch/item/mode of the indent is matched with those of the Leadtime Master.
    If the above parameter is Off, lead time will be fetched from Item Master.


    Also ensure that the rate for this item/party/brand/currency is available in Price Cost Master.
    If not, please create a new record in Price Cost Master or pass as Yes in [Allow manual rate].


  5. In order to print or email the indent click [Print/Email]
    Ensure that header/footer files in png format are uploaded for appropriate unit through Menu –> System Tools –> Upload Header/Footer.


    Print Indent - Prints a copy of indent with cost
    Print Store Copy - Prints a copy of indent without cost

  6. In order to Email the indent, ensure that a record for the same party/branch is created in the Contact Master.


  7. To authorize indent, click [Authorize Indent] link in the details page.

    Authorize Indent

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