

Maintain master data of inventories by category, group, segment etc.

Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Fields
- Select from Division Master
Item Group
- Select from Item Group Master
- Select from Segment Master
Item Name
Short Name
Goods and Service Tax
- Select from GST Rates Master
Standard UOM
- Select from UOM Master
Alternate UOM
- Select from UOM Master
Conversion Factor Uom1->Uom2
Standard Packing
Validation - Please enter a value greater than or equal to 1.
Standard Weight
Validation - Please enter a value greater than or equal to 1.
Re-order Level
Validation - Please enter a value greater than or equal to 1.
Maximum Order Level
Minimum Order Quantity
Validation - Please enter a value greater than or equal to 1.
Lead Time
Warranty (Years)
HSN / SAC Code
- Select from HSN Master
Validation - HSN / SAC Code must be atleast 6 digits.
Select Category
- Raw Materials, Components, Finish Goods, Overheads etc.
- Domestic, Export
Is Item released for sales?
- Yes / No
Is This Critical Item?
- Yes / No
Is Item covered under BPA(Blanket Purchase Agreement) ?
- Yes / No
- If item is not released for sales set it as N, sales order can be created but not Invoice.
Excise Chapter
- NA, Connector, Color Coated Coil, CRCA Coil etc.
Select Is Active ?
- Yes / No

Optional Fields

Optional Fields
Import Duty %
Rack Info
Parent Company’s Item Code
Ho - Branch Consolidation Code
Validation - Ho - Branch Consolidation Code must be of 6 digits
Safety Stock
Validation - Safety Stock must be between 0.001 and 999999.999


Create New
Export To Excel
Rack Info, Std Weight…
- To change Rack Info, Standard Packing and Standard Weight
- Mention location details of inventory items(eg. RM store - TOPROW12).
Item Group Master
- To modify Item Group Master
Group Name
Group Type
- Group Type must have 2 characters only.
Allow Non Standard Rate
- Yes / No
Validation - You can not add a new Item group in this master.
Segment Master
Segment Code
- Auto generated by System
Segment Name
UOM Master
UOM Code
- Auto generated by System
UOM Name
HSN Master
HSN / SAC Code
Validation - HSN Code exists already.
Update From Excel
Select Option
- Update Safety Stock, Deactive Items
-Safety stock is considered while performing MRP (manufacturing resources planning)
Validations - Uploaded file name should be UpdateSafetyStock
- Uploaded file name should be DeactivateItems
Feature : Upload
Import Item Master
- To import multiple items at once.
Validation -Uploaded CSV file name should be ImportItemMst.