

Maintain details of price, cost, transfer price of various items over party, brand and currency.

Mandatory Fields

Mandatory Fields
Customer / Supplier
- Select from Party Master
Item Shortname
- Select from Inventory Master
Brand Name
- Select from Brand Master
Select Currency
- Select from Currency Master
Load Factor
- Currency / Load Factor should be between 1.0000 - 999.9999
- For INR Currency, Load Factor must be 1.0000
- If the ceiling price and the floor price are not set in the Ceiling/Floor price master then Please set Floor Price in Ceiling / Floor Price Master, for this item. validation will be shown.
- Price : Range 0 - 9999999.9999
- Sale Price can not be less than Floor Price.
- Sorry! you have no access rights to view both Sale / Cost prices. In order to view/create/modify sales price and cost price admin user needs to grant access right to the user.
Updated On
Use this for BOM at standard cost
- Yes / No
- In BOM if you wish to use price/cost master rate as a standard rate you may set this parameter as yes.

Optional Fields

Optional Fields
- Cost : Range 0 - 99999999.9999
- Please set Ceiling Price in Inventory Master, for this item
- This is a BPA item, you can not enter cost here. For BPA (Bulk Price Agreement) item cost may not be updated in Price Master.
Credit Days
Non standard Item Name
CST Percentage
Validation - CST Percentage : Range 0 - 999.99


Create New
Export to Excel
Bulk Edit Price Records
Customer / Vendor
- Select from Party Master
Select File
- In order to update price/cost for multiple items you can use this and edit through XL interface
Validation - Uploaded CSV file name should be UpdatePrice
Create Multiple
Select File
Download Model
Validation - Uploaded CSV file name should be PriceMst.