Maintain details of price, cost, transfer price of various items over party, brand and currency.
Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields |
Customer / Supplier - Select from Party Master |
Item Shortname - Select from Inventory Master |
Brand Name - Select from Brand Master |
Select Currency - Select from Currency Master |
Load Factor Validations - Currency / Load Factor should be between 1.0000 - 999.9999 - For INR Currency, Load Factor must be 1.0000 |
Price Validations - If the ceiling price and the floor price are not set in the Ceiling/Floor price master then Please set Floor Price in Ceiling / Floor Price Master, for this item. validation will be shown. - Price : Range 0 - 9999999.9999 - Sale Price can not be less than Floor Price. - Sorry! you have no access rights to view both Sale / Cost prices. In order to view/create/modify sales price and cost price admin user needs to grant access right to the user. |
Updated On |
Use this for BOM at standard cost - Yes / No - In BOM if you wish to use price/cost master rate as a standard rate you may set this parameter as yes. |
Optional Fields
Optional Fields |
Cost Validations - Cost : Range 0 - 99999999.9999 - Please set Ceiling Price in Inventory Master, for this item - This is a BPA item, you can not enter cost here. For BPA (Bulk Price Agreement) item cost may not be updated in Price Master. |
Credit Days |
Non standard Item Name |
CST Percentage Validation - CST Percentage : Range 0 - 999.99 |
Features |
Create New |
Modify |
Delete |
Export to Excel |
Bulk Edit Price Records Customer / Vendor - Select from Party Master Select File - In order to update price/cost for multiple items you can use this and edit through XL interface Validation - Uploaded CSV file name should be UpdatePrice |
Create Multiple Select File Download Model Upload Validation - Uploaded CSV file name should be PriceMst. |