List of Masters

System Tools
Master Description
Division - Can create through UI only.
Party Master - Link to Download Model is available in Party Master » Import Party.
- Prior to creating Party Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Payment Terms - UI only.
* Party Group- UI only.
* Party Segment - UI only.
* Party Category - UI only.
Prospect Master - Can create through UI only. Prior to creating Prospect Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Referral Master - UI only.
Contact Master - Link to Download Model is available in Contact Master » Import Contact Master.
- Prior to creating Contact Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Party Master
Prospect Master
Item Master - Link to Download Model is available in Item Master » Import Item Master
- Prior to creating Item Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Item Group Master - UI only.
* Segment Master - UI only.
* UOM Master - UI only
* HSN Master - UI only
Ceiling/Floor Price Master - Link to Download Model is available in Ceiling/Floor » Import Ceiling/Floor Price
- Prior to creating Ceiling/Floor Price Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Item Master
* Currency Master - UI only
Price/Cost Master - Link to Download Model is available in Price/Cost Master » Import Price Master
- Prior to creating Price/Cost Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Party Master
* Item Master
* Brand Master - UI only.
* Currency Master
Party-Item Code Master - Link to Download Model is available in Party Item Code » Import
- Prior to creating Party Item Code Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Party Master
* Item Master
* Brand Master - UI only.
Other Master Description
State Master - Can create through UI only.
- It is recommended to create States as per GST State Master
Transporter Master - Can create through UI only.
Human Resources
Master Description
Employee - List of Download Model is available in Employee Master » Import Employee.
- Prior to creating Employee Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Employee Type - UI only.
* Grade Master - UI only.
* Cost Center - UI only.
* Shift Master - UI only.
* Department - UI only.
Holiday Master - Can create through UI only.
Piece Rates - Prior to creating Piece Rates, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Item Master
* Process Master - UI only.
Master Description
Chart of Accounts - List of Download Model is available in Chart of Accounts » Import Account Master.
- Prior to creating Chart of Accounts Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* BS/PL Groups
Transaction Type Master - Can update through Excel only.
Cheque Master - Prior to creating Cheque Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Chart of Accounts
Bank Master - Can create through UI only.
RTGS Master - Prior to creating RTGS Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Party Master
Opening Balance - Prior to creating Opening Balance, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Chart of Accounts
Opening Outstanding - Prior to creating Opening Outstanding, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Division Master
* Party Master.
Budget Master - Prior to creating Budget Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Chart of Accounts
* Cost Center.
Master Description
Shift - Can create through UI only.
Process Master - Prior to creating Process Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Product Line - UI only.
Machine Master - Can create through UI only.
Stores Master - Can create through UI only.
Supply Chain
Master Description
Standard Instruction - Can create through UI only.
Freight Option - Can create through UI only.
Remarks Master - Can create through UI only.
Indent Status Master - Can create through UI only.
Currency Master - Can create through UI only.
Lead Time Master - Prior to creating Lead Time Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Party Master
* Item Master
Master Description
Salesmen Target - Prior to creating Salesmen Target, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Sales Officer - UI only
Sales Team - Prior to creating Sales Team, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Sales Officer
Sales order status - Can create through UI only.
Transfer Price Master - Prior to creating Transfer Price Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Item Master
Brand Master - Can create through UI only.
BIS Master - Prior to creating BIS Master, following dependent Masters need to be created through UI.
* Item Master
* Brand Master
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