Approval Code


A new feature to create a one-time code that can be used within the system to update or modify some values.
For now, this is being used only in the sales order to create a sales order even if there is an outstanding for a particular party.

Why it was added?

  • The approval code feature addition enables the non-admin user to change a few values.
    Earlier, only the admins were allowed to change some values in the system.
  • Now the user with the approval code can change the values.

How to use the approval code.

  • To use the approval code, one must make it active in the system parameters.
  • Only the superuser can make that change.
  • When you want to use the approval code, you can click on generate button.
  • It will generate a 6-digit number that will be active for only 5 mins.
  • The user can use the generated code in the sales order creation when there is an outstanding amount for that party.
  • There are four validations for the approval code.
    1. If the user enters an invalid approval code, it will show a message stating:
      “The approval code is invalid."
    2. If the user enters an expired approval code, it will show a message:
      “This code has Expired."
    3. If the user enters an already-used approval code, it will show a message: “This code is already Used. Please generate a new one."
    4. When the approval code is generated it will be valid for 5 mins only “This code will be valid upto 5 minutes only."


Generate Approval Code
- Auto-generated by the system.