Bug Fixes

LBT in Party Mst

  • Apply LBT & LBT no. are now removed from create and modify page of PartyMst.

Sales by Product Report

  • In Sales by Product Report when the Item group name name is exact 50 characters the report was not working which is now fixed.

Freight Vendor Details Report

  • Freight Vendor details report will now show the prefix from the unit data under the Company Master.

Item State in Debit Credit Notes

  • In case of Debit Credit Note system was not considering item state this is now fixed.

Inventory Ledger (Palletwise)

  • Inventory Ledger(Palletwise) report was not printing when pallet no. crossed 21M, this is now fixed.

RCM Invoice Line creation

  • User were unable to add lines in RCM invoices, which is now fixed.

Purchase Bills Modification Disabled

  • Under certain circumstances, System was allowing item level information to be modified even after connected documents had been created. This is fixed.

Negative stock in IIRS

  • Under certain conditions, IIRS was allowing issues even when inventory balance would go negative. This is fixed.