Other Enhancements

Receipt info in Invoice

You can now checkout receipt info against an Invoice, from Invoice Details Page.

FC Amount in Payable Report
  • FC Amount (if available) will now be printed in Payable Report.
BOM Report with 07 Stage
  • Missing BOM report, will now consider 07 stage(Unpacked/Loose) also along with 08 stage(Packed).
GRNs with 100% Rejected Qty
  • Pending GRN Report will now consider total qty (including Rejected) while comparing with the billed qty.
Reactivate JSON Download in Debit/Credit Note
  • You can reactivate JSON download for a Debit/Credit note, in case you discover any error, after you have downloaded JSON file.
Advance License print option
  • In advance license printing, freight and insurance on imports will be apportioned over individual items.